About Us


We promote firefighter safety and professional development by providing uniform standards for training, competencies, and educational opportunities for career firefighters in Washington State.


Fostering successful labor/management collaboration, we are the premier provider of career firefighter development and certification in the State of Washington.

Guiding Principles

We are professional in fulfilling our responsibilities. We lead with integrity, dignity, and respect. We take ownership and responsibility for our actions and results.

Becoming an Apprentice

We are a nontraditional apprenticeship program and do not hire. All apprentices are hired first by a participating fire department. Once hired, the fire department sends the apprentice through a fire academy, and the apprentice begins the process to become a journey level fire fighter. The program is 6000 hours (approx. 3 years) of On-The-Job training and includes 5 fire science courses known as Related Supplemental Instruction which consists of 250 hours during this three-year time period. Many fire departments require applicants to have passed the CPAT test Candidate Physical Ability Test you can find out more about that by clicking on the candidate testing site above.

Participating Departments